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Day 5: Getting ready for the newsroom!
Tuesday July 1, 2014



Part 1

First: let's watch this short documentary together.



What did you think about the content of this story?

About the visuals used in it?

About the narration style?

About the music?


Part 2

Read through what I've written on your project ideas.

Working with your partner, answer the questions I've asked, and develop your project further.

While everyone is working on that, I'll call each group into the other room, one by one, to discuss your project ideas and make a more thorough plan.

We'll use this form to plan our projects.


Just for fun!!

Watch this 1987 video about working in a newsroom. Things sure have changed!





Finish fleshing out your final project plan with your partner! Be ready to hand it in on Thursday, complete with contact information for the people you want to interview. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need help working on this.


Watch the 1987 clip about working in a newsroom. 

Write a 1/2 to 1-page response to the following questions:

- What do you think has changed most in broadcast news since 1987, as this film depicts it?

- What has not changed in broadcast news?



week 3.

Day 6: Mid-term Review!
Thursday July 3, 2014



Part 1

We'll be visiting a newsroom soon here in Colorado!

Let's watch this preview of how a newsroom works: click here to watch.


While we watch, take note:

- What does an anchor do?

- What does a reporter do?

- What does a photographer/videographer do?

- What does a producer do?

- What does a director do?


Let's also watch this short film about being a video journalist, from a Canadian VJ.  (This is similar to what it feels like to be a broadcast journalism student here at CU!)


- How is a VJ different from the other roles we saw?

- Which role would YOU like to have?


Part 2

Next we'll do a roundtable discussion like we're in a real newsroom.  

We'll choose a theme together.

We'll set up five chairs, three cameras, four lights and a few mics.

Everyone will get a chance to play a different role - anchor/moderator, guests, light engineer, photographer/videographer, director, producer.

We'll use a very simple, clean format.


We'll try to get it to look something like this: 

Roundtable Discussion - The State of Black TV


Or maybe this:

Poverty Summit Media Roundtable


We'll do this from 1 pm until 3.

Then, from 3 to 4, we'll review for the midterm together! YAY! Are you guys EXCITED?!?!


The midterm will take one hour of class on Tuesday.




Study for your midterm!

Continue fleshing out your final project plan - make contacts, plan shoots, sign out cameras if you need them, etc. 









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