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Broadcast Journalism

Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-4 PM, Armory 211

(June 17 – July 24, 2014)


Instructor: Christi Turner

Email me

Course Description


Welcome to Broadcast Journalism!  It is such a thrill and an honor to spend the next six weeks with you all.

This course will give you to a basic understanding and working knowledge of the principles of broadcast journalism. Together, we’ll learn the skills required to write, shoot and edit broadcast news – and by the end of the course, everyone will produce a short broadcast news piece as a final project. We’ll map out the issues that are important to you, learn how to find an “angle” and a “story” within an issue, with a focus on the CUUB SAI program and students. There will be homework of all sorts – from watching and reading the news, to practicing your new filming skills, to scriptwriting practice – but in manageable amounts, and always designed to be fun and exciting for you.




Bring a pen or pencil and notebook to every class – or something else to take good notes with.


We’ll also be using video cameras, microphones, a projector, computers in the Edit Bay (a room in the Armory that you’ll come to know well) and possibly some other equipment.




We’ll go over basic script formats, many of which you can find on this page here. 

Paul Daugherty, who you’ll be working with in the Edit Bay, has a fantastic syllabus online for his college undergraduate level TV production course. We’ll be borrowing from his vast knowledge and expertise. Check out his website here!



This syllabus is a living document, and minor changes may happen in our schedule from time to time.  I’ll let you know when they do!



Grading and Course Requirements

Unless you are sick or have an emergency, you are expected to come to every class and finish all assignments on time. Please make sure to let me or another responsible party know ahead of time in the unfortunate event that you are ill or have an emergency!

Homework and in-class assignments: 20%

  • Writing and film-watching assignments will be assigned almost every night. I’ll go easy on you the first week, but I expect you to find the time in your study hall schedules to watch short films and/or work with your partners, when the homework requires it.


Attendance: 15%

  • Our classes will be so much fun that you won’t want to miss!  : ) Plus, each class will cover something you need to know. As I mentioned above, if you absolutely cannot make it to class, let me know beforehand so it won’t count against your grade.


Midterm: 20%

  • Halfway through the semester (Tuesday July 8) there will be an exam that covers all the material we will have learned up to that point. The exam will include both multiple choice and short answer questions. I’ll give you a study guide before the exam, and there will be time to ask questions about the exam on Thursday July 3.

Final Exam: 20%

  • This will be taken on the final day of class (Thursday July 24), and will focus on the second half of our work. It will blend multiple choice and short answer questions like the midterm, and I’ll give you a study guide and a chance to ask questions beforehand.


Final Project: 25%

  • This is where you show me what you’ve learned since class began. Starting during the first week of class, the group will pair off (with one group of three) during the first week of class, and the final product will be a series of 3-4 minute news videos. We’ll work together on the videos throughout the course, and watch them all together on the last day of class!



                        quick links:

week 1                       week 2                     week 3              

week 4                      week 5                      week 6

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