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week 4.

Day 7: Midterm!
Tuesday July 8, 2014



Part 1 (first hour of class)

Midterm review! We'll review together for about 30 minutes, and then I'll give you all up to 30 more minutes to study on your own. 


Part 2 (second hour of class)

We'll all take the midterm.  Good luck!


Part 3 (last hour of class)

We'll go outside and have the chance to do some filming for your final project.  You can get nat sound and b-roll, or even film your interviews and/or stand-up, if you'll do a stand-up in your film.




Work with your partner to plan THE REST OF YOUR INTERVIEWS!!  You'll need to have them all done soon - by Tuesday of next week!


If your interviewees are available THURSDAY, have them come meet us between 1 and 4 pm so you can interview them during class time!  Let me know if you need help scheduling.



If you and your partner finish your final project plan, I'll bump up your participation grade.



Day 8: Filming & Editing!
Thursday July 10, 2014



Part 1 (first 1.5 hours)

We'll base ourselves outside on the quad on campus. We'll bring our cameras and tripods outside.


Each pair of students will work on the narration, stand-ups, interviews and b-roll for their final project.


If you aren't ready to film right when we arrive, we can sit down together and work on getting you ready.  


Bring your notebooks, pens, paper, and any props you need for filming!


Part 2 (second 1.5 hours)

We'll go back inside and work in the Edit Bay. 

Everyone will upload and organize the footage they have.


I’ll be there, and Paul will be there, to work with you one-on-one on your editing, and make sure you’re moving in the right direction with your final project.


If you need footage indoors, we can set up a room in the Armory, or set you up on the outside porch, to film.


If you are ready to record narration in the audio booth in the Edit Bay, we can get you set up to do that as well!



If you haven't already, you MUST SCHEDULE THE REST OF YOUR INTERVIEWS!  Your final project plan document should be COMPLETE by now.


Start working on your SCRIPT, which you will hand in with your final project. Having the script laid out may help you to organize your film.  You will finalize your script once your film is done.


BONUS: Come up with ideas for a name of our news team, so everyone can have the same outcue. This isn't for extra credit - just for creativity points!  :)

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